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Mr. Zhang Jian'an, Chairman of the Board of Directors, visited and researched in the Mozambique market

Mr. Zhang Jian'an, Chairman of the Board of Directors, visited and researched in the Mozambique market


From February 27 to March 2, Zhang Jian'an, Party Secretary and Chairman of CJIC, visited Mozambique for research. During the investigation, Comrade Zhang Jian'an attended the unveiling ceremony of the CJIC Branch Office in Mozambique and met with Wang Hejun, Ambassador of China to Mozambique, Elder Ernesto Injogo, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Mozambique, Carlos Mesquita, Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources of Mozambique, Mattheus Magala, Minister of Transport of Mozambique, and Carla Louvera, Vice-Minister of Economy and Finance of Mozambique. Mr. Zhang listened to the work report of Mozambique Office, gave a special Party lecture, and inspected three municipal roads project in Matola which are constructed by CJIC. Relevant departments of CJIC and Mozambique Office participated in relevant activities.

At the inauguration ceremony of CJIC Branch Office in Mozambique, Zhang Jian'an personally unveiled the office and delivered a speech. He pointed out that the corporation's decision to upgrade its representative office in Mozambique into a branch office is not only an affirmation of the development achievements of the Mozambique market in recent years, but also a high expectation for future development. He hoped that the Mozambique market would seize the opportunity of institutional upgrading, seize the momentum, deeply analyze and accurately grasp the demand of the Mozambique market, expand the market with more open ideas, and promote the CJIC's business in Mozambique to achieve new and greater development.

During the visit to Ambassador Wang Hejun, Zhang Jian'an expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the embassy for its long-term support and assistance to CJIC, introduced the basic situation of the company, reported on the development of the company in Mozambique and next-step development ideas from the aspects of development history, project construction, fulfillment of social responsibility, overseas party building, etc., and invited Ambassador Wang Hejun to inspect and guide the work at the head office and office in Mozambique. Ambassador Wang Hejun fully affirmed the CJIC's development in Mozambique, put forward specific work requirements and guiding opinions for its further development in Mozambique, and expressed that he would strongly support the company's development in Mozambique.

During the visit to Vice Speaker Ernesto Injogo, Minister Carlos Mesquita, Minister Matthaus Magala and Deputy Minister Carla Louvera, Zhang Jian'an respectively introduced the basic situation of the company, especially its development in Africa, as well as its development history, project construction and fulfillment of social responsibilities in Mozambique. Zhang Jian'an said that the company is actively promoting the preparation for the commencement of a number of newly won projects. The head office will also give more and more effective support to the project construction, and promote the project construction with quality and quantity guaranteed under the contract framework, so as to provide high-quality infrastructure construction for the Mozambique government and people, and help local economic and social development and improvement of people's lives. Deputy Speaker Ernesto Injogo, Minister Carlos Mesquita, Minister Matthaus Magala and Deputy Minister Carla Luvia all expressed their appreciation for the achievements made by CJIC in infrastructure construction in Mozambique and its positive social responsibility actions. They respectively introduced the plans of the Mozambican government in relevant infrastructure construction fields, hoped that CJIC would build new contracted projects with high quality, and welcomed CJIC to continue to actively participate in infrastructure construction in Mozambique.
